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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Youth's Role


As teenagers, honestly, so many ideas popping up in our mind when we speak of contributions to the society but we know we can’t do it like what our imaginations can do because we have no power to do it unless great people or high-ranked ones will help us to organize and implement it. They always say “Youth is the hope of the nation” but what can we do when only few teenagers are serious in their responsibility? Well, it’s the initiative of an individual to do what’s right.
We can do simple ways like little contributions like giving aid like clothes, foods, and financial matters to the less fortunate people. We can’t deny the fact that high technology is widely spread that even young and adult ones are into it, not to overlook the addiction of most teenagers of craving for what’s in and out, the latest ones and more. As such, joining some organizations that can help improve the society. At least in small tasks with many people who’ll join and be involved in it, there’s a probability of having a great effect which can change the world to a better one.
We just don’t limit our competencies in contributing to the society, at least we have shared our knowledge, energy, innovative mind and new creations of ideas have been discovered and implemented. As the saying goes, “Big things start with small ideas.”

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